Frequently Asked Questions


Will I qualify for a business loan?

There are a few simple qualifications a business has to meet:

  • Your business is located in the United States
  • You are applying for a business loan, not a consumer loan
  • You do not have an open bankruptcy

How much can my business potentially receive?

A qualified business could receive up to $500,000 per location.*

How Long Does It Take to Get Funding?

Your business can be qualified as quickly as a few minutes. You can receive funding in as little as 1 day.

Will you check my credit history?

Yes, your credit history will be reviewed, but poor credit history is not an automatic disqualifier for your business.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

You can reach customer support by completing the contact form or sending an email directly to

Do you offer start-up loans?

Unfortunately, we do not offer start-up loans. The loans we do offer are designed specifically for businesses that have been in business for at least 6 months.

Does the business owner need to pledge personal collateral?

No, the business owner does not need to pledge personal collateral.

Are weekly payments available?

Yes, we do offer flexible payment terms, including weekly payments.

Is there a pre-payment penalty if I pay my loan off early?

Not only is there no penalty, but you may qualify for a discount if you pay off your loan early.